/arms, shields and badges
Revision of an original design and artwork of my first bookplate done 1 January 2024. Revision of 27 July 2024 to include revised post nominals.
Original digital artwork of a grant of arms to include the addition of the insignia pendent of a Member of the Order of St. John. Completed January 12, 2024.
Original digital artwork to create a separate digital image of the shield from an armiger's heraldic achievement. Completed January 12, 2024.
Original digital image of the badge as part of a grant of arms dated 2017. Completed January 12, 2024.
Original digital artwork to revise a 1995 grant of arms to add an Amalfi Cross behind the shield and to change and add insignia pendents. Completed January 13, 2024.
Original digital artwork to create a separate digital image of the shield from an armiger's heraldic achievement. Completed January 13, 2024.
Original digital artwork for a regular-size wall shield. Completed January 29, 2024.
Original digital artwork of an armiger's shield for use on both a regular-size wall shield as well as the obverse side of a double-sided table shield. Completed January 29, 2024.
Original digital artwork of an armiger's crest for use on the reverse side of a double-sided table shield. Completed January 29, 2024.
Original digital artwork of an armiger's crest. Completed January 29, 2024.
Original digital artwork of an armiger's shield for use on the obverse side of a double-sided table shield. Completed January 29, 2024.
Original design and digital artwork of an armiger's crest for use on the reverse side of a double-sided table shield. Completed January 29, 2024.
Original design and digital artwork of an armiger's crest. Completed January 29, 2024.
Original digital artwork of an armiger's arms to make a wall shield and the obverse side of a double-sided table shield. Completed February 16, 2024.
Original digital artwork of an armiger's badge for use on the reverse side of a double-sided table shield. Completed February 16, 2024.
Original design and digital artwork of a new badge for the Apprentice Association of the Fleet Maintenance Facility CAPE BRETON at Canadian Forces Base ESQUIMALT. Completed March 14, 2024.
Original design and digital artwork of a heraldic seal with a hatching of the impaled arms of the armiger and the Royal Heraldry Society of Canada; the armiger is the Society's president. The image will be used to make a seal press. Completed April 2, 2024.
Digital revision of the arms to add the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem Knights Hospitaller in chief. Completed April 11, 2024.
New digital artwork to add the Helm, Mantling, and Motto Scroll to the ancestral Shield and Crest to make a rendition of a heraldic achievement of George Ferguson.
New digital artwork of the ancestral Shield of George Ferguson for the obverse side of a table shield. Completed April 11, 2024.
New digital artwork of the ancestral Crest of George Ferguson for the reverse side of a table shield. Completed April 11, 2024.
Original digital artwork of an armiger's design of his arms on a badge to include motto and clan affiliation. Completed May 7, 2024.
Original digital artwork from an armiger's shield to have a flag made. Completed 7 July 2024
Original digital artwork of an armiger's achievement to replace an ecclesiastical hat with an archdeacon's hat with colours and chords for a Doctorate of Divinity. Completed 23 July 2024.
Original digital artwork to replace the Crest, Helm and Mantle of an armiger's secular arms with a hat of a Canon of the Anglican Communion to create ecclesiastical arms. Completed 9 August 2024.
Original digital artwork of an armiger's Shield for use on the obverse side of a double-sided table shield. Completed 28 August 2024.
Original digital artwork of an armiger's Crest and Torse for use on the obverse side of a double-sided table shield. Completed 28 August 2024.
Original digital artwork for a wall shield of the Murray Clan Association of North America. Completed 28 August 2024.
Original digital artwork of the arm of the municipality of Kiuruvesi, Finland as a gift. Completed 17 October 2024.
Original digital artwork and completion of the obverse side of a presentation table shield. Completed 17 October 2024.
Original digital artwork and completion of the reverse side of a presentation table shield. Completed 17 October 2024.
Original digital artwork and completion of the reverse side of a presentation table shield. Completed 17 October 2024.